
If you have spent any time with young children, you know their favorite response to almost anything you tell them is “Why?”
     Eat your broccoli…. Why?

     Sit down…. Why?

     Stop doing that…. Why?

     Please be quiet for 5 minutes . . . Why?

     Brush your teeth . . . Why?

It is exhausting for parents when the child responds with the “why?” Yet, we could learn something from those youngsters. Looking at Life through the “Why” view allows us to ensure we are making sense of our small space in this world. It is especially applicable to the approach in which we do business:

  • Why are we performing a task in a certain way?
  • Why are our Clients happy (or unhappy) with the services/products we provide?
  • Why does Staff stay (or leave)?
  • Why is it taking so long to complete certain tasks or projects?
  • Why are we not meeting our goals and objectives?

The list of questions to consider is almost infinite.

As Leaders, we should CONSTANTLY be asking the “Why?” question. It is imperative if we want our organization to stay relevant and sustainable.

Is it time you asked some “why’s?” We have a proven facilitation methodology that can help you as Leaders consider those questions you have not recently asked. Contact me at CharleneA@mycooresources.com to discuss how we can help. Also, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at http://www.mycooresources.com/?page_id=324

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