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Algae and Diatoms

Algae and diatoms are organisms that are only visible through a microscope. Algae is a generic term to describe many different organisms; while diatoms are algae whose cell walls are composed of transparent, opaline silica. These are miniscule organisms that play an important role in producing 20 – 40% of the air we breathe. Furthermore, the diatoms turn energy from the sun into sugar. Together, these organisms impact our day to day lives in ways we do not often consider.

What is the connection between algae, diatoms, and running your business? . . . . We often give little consideration to the tiny, seemingly inconsequential tasks that occur on a regular, often daily occurrence that have ultimately huge impact. Together, they can suck the air out of our business and drain the energy from the impact your services and products have for your Clients as well as demoralizing your Staff.

We at My COO Resources and Aldridge Kerr regularly discuss the importance of understanding priorities and the ramifications of the way in which we do business. Like algae and diatoms, we need to understand and manage those seemingly small, daily tasks that can have a big impact on our organizations.

Here are a few questions to consider in order to obtain further clarity around this message: 

¨      Do you know the Top Ten most important (critical) processes that have the biggest impact on your organization? If not, then are there potentially daily tasks that do not have the appropriate priority within your Company? In addition, Staff may be putting too much emphasis on those tasks that will not reach the results you desire.

¨      Have you considered the implications of tasks that are routinely performed that if done incorrectly or incompletely can negatively impact your Company’s bottom line? Knowing those areas within your Company that require improvements is the first step in creating operational effectiveness.

¨      Are you positioned so that you can mitigate those “unknowns” (i.e., business interruption, market downturn) if – or when – they arise? Performing routine assessments to determine where your Company is at the greatest risk is essential for sustainability and growth.

Questions? Do not hesitate to contact me at Also, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at

Moving Again

Americans move more than 11 times in their lifetimes, based on multiple Experts such as the US Census Bureau, The Atlantic, and Moving creates disruption in one’s life and can be quite stressful. A move is time demanding, requires additional expense, and takes time and energy.

Is it any wonder that folks do not like changes in the work place? Like a physical move, change can be frustrating, disruptive, and waste time and energy. Change, however, can be positive if it is effectively managed. Change can:

  • Encourage creativity
  • Inspire
  • Reduce complacency
  • Stretch our thinking
  • Produce action

Managing change in this ever-changing world is crucial for an organization’s ongoing success. Establishing methods to understand what changes are occurring (or will occur) is essential. Sometimes, all that is needed is to utilize a dedicated or an external Resource to ensure change reaps those positive benefits that are desired.

Making those changes can reap exceptional results. As John C. Maxwell said so well, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me at Also, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at

Target Fixation

You know where you are headed. You know the direction you want your Company to go, right? Yet, have you heard of target fixation? It is a behavior common when driving a motorcycle in which a person becomes so focused on a single object that they tend to ride straight into it.

As Business Leaders, we need more of that target fixation where we become so focused on the goal/objective that we cannot help but achieve that goal. The reality instead is the following often happens:

  • There are too many priorities so that we lose sight of what is important
  • It is not clear what the object/goal is or should be

Recognizing the importance of having clarity as to what your Company wants to “hit” is the first step in achieving success. The second step is having a laser focus on that goal, in other words, have a target (or goal) fixation.

It is amazing what can be achieved when we obtain that laser focus. Sometimes, we just need to adapt some basic steps (or processes) for this to occur.

This is so applicable to using My COO Resources ( It can help Companies define their priorities and achieve operational excellence. However, that occurs only if there is that laser focus to take the steps to be target fixated on it.

Do not hesitate to contact me at if you want to better understand how My COO Resources can help you with target fixation. Also, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at

It is a wonderful time of year

It is a wonderful time of year . . . and no, I am not talking about the holidays (all those are wonderful as well). I am referring to January and the opportunity we have each year to pause and reflect on our priorities, our focus, and what we want to accomplish. Although folks often use this time to assess personally, it is valuable for each organization to pause and do the same.If you have not already, consider the following:

  • What went well last year? How can this be repeated this year?
  • What did not go well last year? How can this be corrected?
  • What does your organization want to accomplish this year? Limit your list to only 3 or less.
  • What are areas for improvement and/or reassessment? Consider www.mycooresources as a great tool for this by taking the 4 free assessments.
  • What are – or should be – the top 3 priorities for this year? This may or may not be what your organization wants to accomplish.
  • Where are areas for development for your Team? Focus on 3 or less areas for improvements.

By asking these questions, you are positioning yourself for an exceptional year. Need help with this assessment? Do not hesitate to contact me at And check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at

The Legend of Qu Yuan

There is a legend about a wise Chinese government official, by the name of Qu Yuan. It is said, he lived from 340 – 278 BC. As the legend goes, he attempted repeatedly to warn the King of an ominous threat to the county from a powerful enemy; however, the King chose to ignore his advice. Unfortunately, Qu Yuan’s concerns were correct and it resulted in the fall of the kingdom.

Many are like that King. They are warned of impending peril if action is not taken to correct issues and challenges within their Companies. Listening to the wise counsel of trusted Advisors seems to be a logical approach to doing business, but unfortunately, Leaders fail to see the value of utilizing those Experts as decisions are made.

Here are some insights as to why obtaining wise counsel is valuable:

  • The Experts are exactly that …. Experts in their given field. They can save on unnecessary waste of time, energy, and resources by utilizing their proven experience and knowledge.
  • The adage “two heads are better than one” is actually true. Two (or more) perspectives and insights reap greater results.
  • Experts often have history and access to data that you may not have or know about it.
  • They are impartial – and unemotional – related to making tough decisions.
  • They can help ensure you are staying true to your Mission and Objectives.

Avoid the mistakes that the King made centuries ago. Listen to wise counsel and follow the advice of the Experts. It can reap great rewards.

Questions? Do not hesitate to contact me at Also, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at

The Library

There was a little girl who loved to read; she would go each week to the library and browse the book shelves looking for books that interested her. She told her Mom that she was going to read every book in the children’s section of the library. However, that could never happen because new books were regularly being added to the shelves. No matter how hard she tried, the little girl would not be able to read them all.

Nowadays, it is even more overwhelming. There is a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips and we could never read and learn it all, no matter how many hours a day we focused on learning more.

This is why working with Experts is so significant. They bring knowledge and expertise to you and your organization that you do not have the time to learn. Through those Experts, you can expand your knowledge from them.

A Client once told us that one of the reasons they hire us (and other Consulting firms) is because Consulting firms have experience with a wide range of companies and industries. This allows the Client to gain from the Consultants’ other engagements, expertise, and knowledge.

My COO Resources and Aldridge, Kerr, & Associates, Inc. are Experts at process and building a strong operational foundation. We are not – and do not try to be – Experts at the wide variety of other needs a Client may have. We can provide knowledge and expertise that will broaden a Client’s ability to resolve those daily operational challenges that are causing frustration. Give us a try.

Do not hesitate to contact me at Additionally, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at


Fall is such a great time of year….the cooler weather, the vibrant colors and the pumpkins. Lots of pumpkins!!

Pumpkins are very versatile. They can be:

  • Used to decorate your porch
  • Carved into a multitude of faces bringing smiles to young and old
  • Used to bake pies, breads, and cheesecake

However, with all their versatility, pumpkins are still just pumpkins. They are not broccoli, or apples, or any other type of produce. They are what they are, doing what they do very well.

This is the same with the products and/or services an organization provides. A common mistake an organization makes is that it tries to be all things; in doing so, it often fails at most of what it does.

It is imperative to have clarity as to what you do well. Allowing your organization to lose focus on what your organization does well is setting itself for disaster.

Enormously prosperous companies like Amazon, Apple, or Walmart maintain a laser-like focus on their core competencies. In fact, it could be argued that the reason they are hugely successful companies is because they focus on what they do well and they deliver based on that focus

Define your organization’s strengths and core competencies and deliver on those. Be a really versatile pumpkin!

Need help obtaining clarity on your strengths? Do not hesitate to contact me at Additionally, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at

It is a miracle there aren’t more accidents

Have you ever noticed as you drive down the street how other drivers are paying more attention to things other than driving their cars? Checking their emails, reading or sending texts, looking anywhere but the road …the list seems almost endless. In fact, recently while driving down the street I saw a woman putting on her makeup. I had to do a double-take when we stopped for a light.

The challenge we have is that many folks do not have a clear understanding of risk and its implications. They think “it won’t happen to me.” When in reality, statistics are staggering. Some Experts state that accidents involving injury or death are in the millions!!

This “it won’t happen to me” approach spills over into business. Too many Leaders do not assess their risks and mitigate them.

Operationally, so many risks can be mitigated. For example:

  • Creating repeatable processes that mitigate errors and provide clarity on what needs to be done
  • Understanding roles and responsibilities by all Staff
  • Assessing and then documenting processes for training and reference
  • Establishing internal controls to mitigate fraud
  • Defining methods to measure success

Avoid an accident and assess the risks that can compromise your successes. Questions? Do not hesitate to contact me at Also, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at

A firm foundation

A couple had built their house over 15 years ago. It was designed with them in mind and they liked the layout, the square footage, in fact there was not anything they did not like about it.

However, over the last several months, cracks in the wall started to appear and the dining room floor began to buckle. They could not open their windows on the second floor. After hiring a structural engineer to assess the problem, it was determined that the house was built on a weak foundation. It would require an immense amount of disruption, cost, and effort to resolve the problems.

Often, in the early phases of a Company, the Business Leader does not consider the implications of building on a firm foundation. Things are looking good, business is coming in the door, and the Company is growing. However, like the couple with the house, over time, a weak foundation will begin to create unnecessary challenges. Folks leave and their knowledge walks out the door. Quality begins to suffer. Customers get angry over delays and errors. Staff are unsure of priorities. 

Building a strong operational foundation is critical to the long-term success of any Company. This is what My COO Resources provides: a structured methodology to build a strong foundation.

Questions? Do not hesitate to contact me at Also, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at

A guide through the city

Whenever I visit a new city on vacation, I like to hire a Guide who shows me around the city. I find that the Guide can provide insights that I would not find in tour books or on my own. Obviously, the Guide knows the city much better than I do. It also helps to identify those areas of the city that I want to go back and spend more time exploring. The Guide helps me see those areas that are interesting but do not need much more attention than a brief encounter. The Guide’s tour allows me to see a broader view of the city that I would have not seen on my own.

This “broader view” is also helpful in business. We as Business Leaders get caught up in what we know versus those areas where we have little experience. That is why utilizing “Business Guides,” with expertise in areas we know little about can steer us in a better direction. Those Guides can also help us become aware of those areas within our Companies that need attention and require more time for “exploring.”

Are you aware of those areas within your Company that need guidance? If not, take our free, four Simple Start Assessments in order to gain insights where you have areas for improvement.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me at Also, check out our blogs and previous newsletters and/or emails at